I *heart* You!

Ahh February ... the month all about love. Cue all of the red hearts, baked goods, candy, and picking out valentines with your children for their classroom party. Can’t forget the conversation hearts, am I right? Even though they are STILL super “chalky” tasting, it’s just not a true Valentine’s Day without them. The word LOVE is everywhere I look and I can’t help but wonder what kids think when they hear the word “love”. We often say phrases like, “I LOVE this song!” or “I love this meal!” or “I love you!” as they leave a room or come in to ask you for one more snack.

But when it comes to the love of our God, do our children really know how to receive and recognize that in tangible ways? What does it look like to tell our kids about a God who loves them? God’s ultimate showing of love for us was when He sent His son, Jesus to die for our sins, be buried and rise again so we could be in relationship with Him! The Bible tells us in John, chapter 3 verse 16 that, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” If that doesn’t emulate love, I don’t know what does!

Our hopetown staff wants you to have some really great resources to share some ways you can show love to your kids. These are simple, fun and a great way to end the day with an “I love you!” to those little eyes looking at you.

  • Be encouraging and identify something you love about your child or ways in which you are thankful for them. Each day in February, tape a heart with a quality that you love about your child on their door! Check out the link here: https://balancingmotherhood.com/valentines-day-inspirational-heart-project/

  • While you are filling out valentines for your child’s classmates, friends, family members, etc. pray for each one receiving a valentine; that they might know that God loves them too!

  • Make valentines for those around you (teachers, life group leaders, garbage collectors, postal workers, etc.) as a way to say thank you! You can show God’s love by recognizing how hard they work with the talents they have and how much you appreciate them.

  • While on the way to school, around the dinner table, during errands, etc. have your family brainstorm ways to show God’s love to others. Encourage the children to pick one each week to carry out! Showing God’s love can go a long way and is great practice for children to look outward in a world where most people look inward.

So as you open one more chocolate bar or wrapped Valentine candy, take a minute and tell those around you that you love them and most importantly, Jesus loves them!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


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