Does your 2020 need a reboot?

2020 has been off to an interesting start. While scrolling through social media the other day, I saw this post: 

"Have we tried unplugging 2020 waiting ten seconds and plugging it back in?

While I laughed, I also agreed. 2020 has been one for the books...and it's only March! We are seeing anxiousness everywhere. Viruses, frantic news articles about elections, videos of worldwide events, conversations, and social media. All of these avenues are bombarding our thoughts, actions and conversations. It can be extremely overwhelming to parents and caretakers as we navigate these waters because the conversations are happening in our schools, kid's friend circles - everywhere. Then I remembered, I am the one who shapes my children's reality. 

Are there scary things going on in our world? Yes. Can it feel overwhelming? Absolutely. But when I turn to the one who MADE the world, I can direct my focus and even more importantly my children's focus to the God who loves them. 

What better way to combat all of these "scary things" we are hearing than by checking out God's word and seeing what it says. Even better - you can go through these as a family! Take a look:

Peter, in Matthew 4:35-41, was in a boat. The storm was overwhelming, waves were coming at him and when the disciples finally decided to wake Jesus up, He simply said three words, "Quiet! Be still!" and immediately the wind died down and the sea was calm. What a great example of the power God has. We don't have to be afraid because HE is in control. All we have to do is ask- the Lord will come through. 

Then there's the verse that Jesus knows every hair that is on our head (Luke 12:7). For some of us thats quite a few, for others, not so much - BUT JESUS knows us, who we are and exactly what we need. Matthew 10:29-31 tells us that if Jesus cares about the birds and whether or not they are provided for - imagine how much He cares for you and I. Jesus knows us, loves us and protects us. 

Psalm 56:3 says, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you." It really is that simple. Jesus holds the power to life, is our healer and our protector. We have nothing to be afraid of when we have Jesus. Praying together as a family - inviting Jesus to calm thoughts, racing hearts and worries - it does wonders because our focus is on HIM and not what is going on around us.

So, while we may not be able to reboot 2020, we as parents and caregivers can right-size what our children are taking in through all forms of communication. Sometimes circumstances may be scary, but our God is always bigger, more powerful and ready to protect us. Praying with you as we look to show our children who Jesus can be in their lives.

-Ashley Pece
Global Family Ministries Director


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