A Season of Thankfulness

Can you believe that Thanksgiving is almost a week away? It seems just like yesterday that we were buying school supplies and gearing up for the fall. As the holidays are quickly approaching, we begin making Christmas Lists and figuring out what we want our Thanksgiving dinner to look like (cue the 10 trips to the grocery store- where are the rolls?!) and what gift will scream "I know you SO well!" (Let's scan that Black Friday ad ONE more time). While those aren't bad things, it's important to remember to keep the focus of Thanksgiving at the center of your preparations.

I'm reminded how important it is to foster a posture of being thankful as my children watch all of the toy commercials and have conversations at school (yes, EVEN preschool).  They are beginning to be centered around what they WANT and HAVE to have. As I've been told many times this week, "It's the coolest toy EVER!" While it may really well be the coolest toy ever, we want to give you some great resources to help navigate and foster an attitude of being thankful in your home!

  • Memorize Scripture! Break the phrases in sections and memorize together.
    • God's word tells us in Psalm 107:1 "Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; His love endures forever."
    • Psalm 69:30 says, "I will praise God’s name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving."
  • In the car ride or during a meal, talk about three things you are thankful for. It's easy for any age to talk about what they are thankful for. And yes, Transformers and baby dolls do count! Creating that foundation where they begin to look for ways to be thankful is so important!
  • If you are parenting or shepherding a child's heart during this season, we love the book: "Raising Grateful Kids in an Entitled World." Prime it to your house - it's not too late! Check it out here: Amazon Link
  • Looking for kid's books? We've got you! 
  • Need something for your older elementary students? Gratitude Journals are an awesome way to record what they are thankful for and gives them the opportunity to look back and see how God provided through the months and years!

Please know that hopetown is thankful for YOU and your families! We count it a privilege to serve you each and every week at your campus. We pray that your Thanksgiving is one filled with great food, wonderful company and beautiful memories that we can be thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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