My Granite is in Heaven.

If you’ve watched the HGTV channel at all you’ll see couples looking for houses either stateside or overseas. I don’t know about you, but when they state their budget and their occupation, something just doesn’t add up. Like this:

Stop. Is this for real? Anyone else curious as to how in the world they make that happen? What memo did I miss? Now don’t get me wrong, the Lord has allowed my family and I to live in a nice house, in a nice neighborhood, but nothing even remotely close to $900,000. It made me stop and think: What’s my treasure in? What do I desire?

The Bible tells us in Matthew, chapter 6 verse 21, that where our treasure is directly links to where our heart is.

Gut check.

Am I putting stock in shiplap, distressed furniture, quartz or granite countertops (because ALL the shows say they are the most durable and easy to clean), the 6 beds with 4.5 baths and a bonus room? OR am I completely sold out to raise these little human beings that God has trusted me with in a home that God provides, within our means? Let’s be clear, I wouldn’t mind if God dropped that house in my lap, but my responsibility as a parent is so much deeper, greater, and will have an impact that will last into generations that won’t even know the term “shiplap”. Sorry, Joanna.

When you stop and think about putting your treasures in parenting - it is the craziest relationship, right? God gives you these children that you love with every fiber of your being. One minute they are literally touching every nerve that God has created in you, but by the end of the day, you put them to bed and wish you could have just a few more minutes with them; one more chance to weave in God’s love for them by what HE provided or kept them safe from, as their days unfolded. Whoever said “the days are short, but the years are long” was spot on.

Sometimes it’s hard to see the return - especially when they are young. We’re in the thick of it right there with all of you mama’s and daddy’s. We are practicing manners and because we’re in the south, they get the added “ma’am and sir” on it. Poor things. And just when I wonder if my daughter will get the hang of it, she says, “can I please pray for my teachers?” or my son checks in and says, “are you okay, mom?” And then God gently reminds us - that our treasures, our responsibilities, the impact that He has called my husband and I to make with these 2 pairs of blue eyes is far greater than any excitement that the prettiest hardwood floors could offer.

Don’t give up. Your labor isn’t in vain. In Deuteronomy 11:19, God’s Word tells us to talk about God when our children get up, when they go to bed and to put evidence all around the house. Be the example that “things” aren’t important, but sharing Jesus and His love to those around us IS! They are watching what we do and listening to all of the words. Ask yourself - which way are your actions and words pointing your children to? Is your home all about today’s granite countertops or about accumulating your “granite” in heaven?

The parent life can be hard. But know this: life is so much easier when you are in community. Maybe it’s time you to find a local church, a group of people to do life with. If there’s a campus close to you, check out hopetown children’s ministry and newhope church to be your village. And we’ll encourage one another and laugh and cry (let’s be real, we all have those days). Our hopetown village comes with some people who don’t have children, but care for each child like they are their own. Some are the wiser people who’ve raised children and can celebrate with us and encourage us when we need it or feel like we are getting nowhere. And we have families who are eyeball-deep in the jungle of parenting and figuring out this journey alongside us.

Together, we can begin to lead and show our children that when we store our treasures in heaven, we love others and look at others like Jesus looks at us - with grace and in need of a forever best friend.

Cheering you and your family on!
-Ashley Pece/ hopetown Global Team


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