Back 2 School...On 2 Success

Ahhh the joys of summer! Late nights of family fun, rhythms change, routines are more laid back, and all the great memories are made - your social media can prove it! Bedtime? Who needs it! Extra cookies? Of course! And then as quickly as summer started - it’s over! All of the sudden beach balls, beach towels, swimsuits and grills are replaced with #2 pencils, glue sticks, notebooks and the tall tower of school supply lists from every school in the district!

Don’t panic! We’ve gathered a few tips and tricks to help you take a deep breath and swing into a successful start to school:

The week before school - move bedtime back 15-30 minutes so bodies can get back into a rhythm of getting a good night’s rest INSTEAD of being up with the owls. The same can be said for waking up early. So you don’t have to LITERALLY pull your kid out of bed, slowly begin to get up 15 minutes earlier, then 20 minutes, etc. to the desired time. That way when the alarm goes off and the curtains are pulled back letting the sunshine in, they won’t be grumbling as much.

For the younger children, it helps to lay out their clothes the night before OR if you want to get REALLY ambitious, for the whole week.(Gasp, I know!) It saves you time and lessens the chance of a stressful, fashion show before breakfast. It’s helpful for many reasons - one of which is that you know you don’t have to do laundry for the week, because everything is ready- cue praise hands! For those older ones who can dress themselves and decide what they want to wear, have them figure out before they head to bed - the struggle doesn’t have to be real if they know what they are wearing the next day!

We know it’s hard getting everyone around the table, but take a minute and talk to your kids about what they are most excited about for a new school year. Maybe it’s a new school altogether, a chance to meet new friends, where their locker is... Maybe it’s trying out for a new sport this season or trying a new instrument. Whatever it is, open up the conversation - it might be easier than you think!

One of the most important rhythms a family can begin at the start of the school year is a family devotion time. It may sound daunting if you’ve never done it, but it doesn’t mean you open up the largest family Bible you can find and pick a passage out of Malachi! It just means setting a time every morning orevening to look at what God’s word says. It’s simply showing your kids that God’s word is real and relevant to what is going on in their lives.

Not sure where to start? We’ve got your back! Check out these resources for a variety of ages!

So as you write your child’s name on their supplies for the 10th time, or pick a different outfit for the first day of school (hang in there), know that the staff from hopetown is cheering you on! You’ve got this. It’s going to be great!


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