
Showing posts from March, 2020

Does your 2020 need a reboot?

2020 has been off to an interesting start. While scrolling through social media the other day, I saw this post:  "Have we tried unplugging 2020 waiting ten seconds and plugging it back in? While I laughed, I also agreed. 2020 has been one for the books...and it's only March! We are seeing anxiousness everywhere. Viruses, frantic news articles   about elections, videos   of   worldwide events, conversations,   and   social media.   All of these avenues are bombarding our thoughts, actions and conversations. It can be extremely overwhelming to parents and caretakers as we navigate these waters because the conversations are happening in our schools, kid's friend circles - everywhere. Then I remembered, I am the one who shapes my children's reality.  Are there scary things going on in our world? Yes. Can it feel overwhelming? Absolutely. But when I turn to the one who MADE the world, I can direct my focus and even more importantly my children's focus to th