
Showing posts from August, 2018

Back 2 School...On 2 Success

Ahhh the joys of summer! Late nights of family fun, rhythms change, routines are more laid back, and all the great memories are made - your social media can prove it! Bedtime? Who needs it! Extra cookies? Of course! And then as quickly as summer started - it’s over! All of the sudden beach balls, beach towels, swimsuits and grills are replaced with #2 pencils, glue sticks, notebooks and the tall tower of school supply lists from every school in the district! Don’t panic! We’ve gathered a few tips and tricks to help you take a deep breath and swing into a successful start to school: The week before school - move bedtime back 15-30 minutes so bodies can get back into a rhythm of getting a good night’s rest INSTEAD of being up with the owls. The same can be said for waking up early. So you don’t have to LITERALLY pull your kid out of bed, slowly begin to get up 15 minutes earlier, then 20 minutes, etc. to the desired time. That way w